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Creative Director, Copy

2020 - Present

Currently I’m leading a team of copywriters in the Global Brand Studio at TikTok. I’m a creative director for copy across anything we execute, including live events, filmed content and video, social media, and website work.

Prior to this, I led creative strategy on the Global Business Marketing team. I was the first strategy hire for platform marketing, and I helped strategize, create, and write several of our foundational pieces of work made to influence and inform many cross-functional and cross-regional teams, as well as B2B brands around the world. My team created thought leadership, educated partners, turned data into stories, and drive global adoption of TikTok’s core marketing strategies.

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Global Creative Strategy Director

2016 - 2020

I was a lead on the Brand Planning team, providing full support of our business org and sales team. I wore a couple of different hats as BuzzFeed continuously evolved its internal structure, working cross-department but always with good, close relationships with both the creative and sales teams. Our main function was providing strategic thinking to craft and respond to RFPs, as well as thought leadership as it pertained to our audience and the content we created. I was also chosen to lead strategy on experimental teams like Partner Innovation, international, and Office Hours for our mid-market sellers.


Creative Strategist

2014 - 2016

I was a member of Tumblr’s CANVAS team, a collective of creatives and strategists who were also Tumblr evangelists and very internet savvy. I supported a southern territory of media sellers and clients and built content frameworks, consulted on creative, and cultivated agency relationships.



2010 - 2014

I began as a project manager, entering the advertising world after a career change from inside sales. After a year as a PM, I transitioned to Copywriter while on the job after creating a portfolio after hours and pitching to the CCO. I quickly found a niche as a highly visual copywriter, and I still get excited about the creative process, channeling ideas, and making work I’m proud of.